The article considers the results of the comparative analysis of the approaches used by American and Russian scholars towards definition of the goals of civic education. Such consideration of the problem enables to reveal national priorities in civic education of the young both in the USA and in Russia. There are three groups of goals in the concepts of American scientists to the definition of the goals of civic education: active civil position of the citizen; the recognition of the value of the human person regardless of the identity; strengthening of the moral personality. In the concepts of Russian scientists to the definition of the goals of civic education the relevance of patriotism, legal and political awareness and responsible participation in public life are emphasized. The similar ideas are present in the concepts of American scientists. Special for Russia is a closer connection of civic education with the patriotic and legal education, while American authors stress the multicultural character of civic education.
Keywords: Civic education,
civic competence,
ideal of a citizen,
civic position,
civic consciousness,
multicultural society.
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