The article researches some possibilities of realization of modern re-quirements in preschool children’s cognitive development. The author examines the problem of the maintenance of preschoolers’ cognitive skills and methods of their formation on the linguistic material. The article also analyzes some teachers’ methodic mistakes in language teaching of preschool children revealed during the observations of their professional activities. In order to solve the problems, there was the systematization and justification of the main informational, logic and regulation actions that need to teach children to further mastery of the native language at school. The author proved the theoretical research by the facts which were obtained during the empirical work. Some methodic material included in the text is intended for use in the speech course by teachers in preschool educational institutions. The author concludes that in preparing children for school, there are opportunities for their cognitive development provided the appropriate selection of the content and use certain methodological tools
Keywords: Standard of preschool education,
cognitive development,
informational skills,
regulatory skills,
means of cognitive skills developing.
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Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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