The result of scientific and pedagogical research is fixed in the individual consciousness as a certain knowledge, or exists objectively in extra subject formalized types of knowledge, such as concept, methodology, theory, conditions, etc. Pedagogical research as a result contains extra subject knowledge, consciously objectified by the developer for subsequent use by other people.
The object-component method for describing the result of scientific and pedagogical research in the form of three interrelated components has been developed. The object component describes the product of research subject-categorically, it shows the kind of results obtained in the end of the study. Translating component shows, what in fact was performed with the object part. A specifically-pedagogical component complements and specifies the result of the scientific and pedagogical research. All components complement each other, describing different sides of the result of the research as a whole.
The scientific result has two sides: a substantive (ontological) side and an internally related to its value (axiological) side. The criterion of novelty characterizes the substantive side of the result of the scientific and pedagogical research. The criterion of theoretical and practical significance characterizes the value side. The presentation of the result of the study in the form of three interlinked components makes it possible to analyze and describe the scientific result from unified methodological positions.
Keywords: Scientific result,
result components,
result structure,
object-component method for describing the results of the study,
theoretical and practical significance.
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