The article deals with the formation of moral values of younger school students by the authors songs. The paper notes that several generations in Russia were brought up on the author’s songs culture there. Today, having risen from the counterculture to the subculture, bard songs performed an essential social function: the moral-aesthetic education of the youth. The article says that the author's songs are an excellent tool for the realization of educational objectives and the best way to the humanization of modern Russian education. Many bard songs have both the adult and children's audience. During the performance of a song, its text content forms the joint moral and ethical work of a teacher and a student.
The questions of the formation of moral values of the younger generation were studied in the works of Soviet and Russian scientists. Talking about the educational impact of the author’s songs, we usually mean teenagers and students. However, the introduction of younger schoolboys to this genre is still an occasional phenomenon.
The article mentions school textbooks that included the works of bards. With the help of specific texts, it shows how to use the moral educational values of the author’s songs at different grades of elementary school.
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