The problems of the article are associated with a challenging for pedagogical theory and practice question – development of reflexive competence of the future social pedagogues in the course of professional training. In the article, the reflexive environment of high school is regarded as one of the main organizational and pedagogical conditions of formation and development of this competence. The author analyzes the position of methodological research and describes the features of the creation of a reflexive environment in the training of social pedagogues. The article states that the specificity of the reflexive environment, conducive to the development of reflective competence of future social teachers, is provided by the following: the information content of training courses aimed at the formation of the need for reflective activity, the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in order to form a coherent structure of scientific knowledge of reflexive competence, the inclusion of future social teachers in reflective activities on the basis of the knowledge and lessons in learning and kvazi-professional activities, involvement of students into an active equal reflexive dialogue.
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Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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