The article gives descriptions for such terms as ‘coping strategy’, ‘achievement motivation’, ‘sports achievement motivation’. The author takes a closer look at the exposure of human coping behaviour in stress situations. She also determines the variants of coping behaviour and coping strategies including the peculiarities of cognitive, emotional and behavioural coping strategies. Adaptive and relatively adaptive coping strategies are seen as the most favourable for a winning sports activity. They are characterized by one’s ability to effectively adapt to the situation requirements allowing to take control over it, subdue or modify these requirements, try to avoid or to adapt to them, thus, getting over the effect of stress situations. The author gives some coping strategy research data for teens with different sports activity motivation. These data are eligible to show the interconnection between achievement motivation in sports and adaptive coping strategies. The implication is that one has to improve his/ her level of sports achievement motivation as a condition of adaptive coping strategies formation.
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Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education is included in the scientific database of the RINTs (license agreement No. 765-12/2014 dated 08.12.2014).
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