DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2022-8-3-0-11

A study of cognitive characteristics in employees of small business: standardization of the method


Introduction. The features of the cognitive activity of the individual, which influence the perception of the image of the enterprise as a place of work, are analyzed. Regardless of the type of the prevailing organizational culture of the enterprise, the attitude of the staff to the enterprise may differ, and such differences are associated with cognitive distortions in the thinking of employees. However, there are no methods diagnosing these distortions in organizational activity. The purpose of the article is to describe the method of studying cognitive distortions of a person's thinking in organizational activities. Methodology (materials) and methods: the author proposes the methodology “Cognitive distortions in organizational activity”, which allows to identify cognitive distortions of the staff. Results: in the course of the questionnaire standardization procedure, data on its reliability and validity were obtained, as well as data from the expert community, which allows us to conclude that the Cognitive Distortions in Organizational Activity questionnaire successfully realizes its goal: to study the cognitive attitudes of the individual in the perception of the organization. Reliable values were determined for each of the scales: dichotomy, catastrophic thinking and depreciation of the positive, emotional justification, labeling, mental filter, mind reading, personalization, obligation and overgeneralization. The calculated values of Cronbach's α-coefficient were in the range of 0.8-0.9, which indicates the development, balance and reliability of the questionnaire.

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