
Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Volume 7, Issue №1, 2021 PDF

The value-semantic matrix of social interaction experience of a future specialist in the humanitarian sphere

In the context of the deepening ideological crisis of humanitarian knowledge and public consciousness, higher education solves the problem of improving the training of future humanitarian specialists to work ...

Influence of motivation on reaching high results in the RLD performance by the students of the medical institute of Belgorod state national research university

The objectives of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (RLD) are to increase the effectiveness of physical culture and sports in strengthening health, ...

Formation of intellectual creativity of students in the educational space of the university

The integration of students’ intellectual and creative abilities is essential for the successful development of the educational paradigm, especially in higher education. Mental changes associated with changes in the ...

Motivation factors for teachers to organize research activities for students in the basics of life safety

The large-scale introduction of research methods of teaching into pedagogical practice, along with the organization of a holistic process of research (project) activities of students as a mandatory element ...

Project and target management of career guidance work in a music college

The development of the system of music professional education in modern Russia has changed the basic requirements for the content and results of the development of educational programs, as ...

Contemporary dimensions and possibilities of environmental and educational activities

The pertinence of the study stems from the need to form environmental awareness and environmental responsibility of residents of Russian cities in order to achieve 17 goals in the ...

Higher education studies and pregnancy: Challenges and balances

Pregnancy and childbirth are experienced as physical and psychological challenges for most women. Drawing upon the McClusky's theory of margin, we developed a 5-point Likert response scale questionnaire ...