Volume 1, Issue №4, 2015
The article deals with the management mechanisms of the health oriented school educational system development: the structure of management at the public, administrative, pedagogical and pupils’ levels; the usage of ...
In the article the relevance of the research topic is the need to develop methods for the problems of social and environmental education of students. Reveals the etymology of the ...
The article considers the problems associated with the formation and perfection of speech culture of future primary school teachers. In this paper identifies the main features characteristic of the modern ...
The article reveals the importance of business communication skills as an important element of professional communicative competence and its development for university students - future specialists. The role of authentic ...
The article explores the sphere of personality values and senses in teenage period based on life-meaning orientation. A choice of life values is an important in the process of creation ...
The article determines the relevance of research problems of adaptation of first-graders to school and coping with difficult situations arising in this period. The selected approaches to the study of ...
The article is concerned with the main issues of the prevention system of deviant behavior among adolescents in Russia. The necessity of studying the nature of deviant behavior in order ...
Man - the heir to the preceding life in the progressive course of human civilization. He - a product of the environment, active and passive training of volitional behavior and ...
The article discloses the specifics of psycho-pedagogical adaptation of foreign students to the educational process in university. It is noted that the impact of the adaptation of foreign students defines ...
The paper addresses the issue of linguistic differences in cross-cultural communication and discusses communicative strategies that could be used to mitigate them. The authors argue that lingua-didactic multicultural education can ...
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