Social vulnerability and gender inequality in professions: reflections on extension actions for specific audiences
This article reflects on social vulnerability and gender inequality in Brazil, in general and in Exact Sciences professions, based on data from the Atlas of Violence in Brazil, research on the workforce in the area of Information and Communication Technology, and bibliographic survey on gender research in relation to the Exact area professions. From these data, the aims of Goiás Federal Institute (IFG) regarding the extension actions are described and a proposal for women in vulnerable situation and the professional area of Computing is presented. Partial results from the Women in Informatics course are also described. Despite having opened 50 vacancies, only 28 were filled. The course is in its fourth month of execution and has 20 students. The initial follow-up shows that although there are many women that need reintegration in the labor market, it is still necessary to develop strategies for their interest and maintenance in a computer course. It is noteworthy that, the Extension is the dimension of work in the higher institution, that has the potential to dialogue with the external community, meeting the demands of specific groups through short-term training, enables the human and technical training of collaborating university students, and also works with institutional disclosure.
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