What predicts adult immigrants’ engagement in host language training, social class, forms of capital, or academic self-efficacy?
Introduction. Host language training for immigrants continues to be a debated issue. Beyond language skills, immigrants’ engagement in language training has seldom been studied. Purpose: The present study predicted student engagement in Swedish language training programmes. Predictors of engagement include (a) socioeconomic and sociodemographic factors (sex, socioeconomic groupings); (b) human capital; (c) social capital; and (d) academic self-efficacy. Methodology and methods: The data consist of a survey with 186 participants from one language training centre (i.e., non-random). Results: The participants reported a high level of engagement in language training. The study used linear regression and structural equation modelling. First, the study indicates (unexpectedly) that students with low education were more engaged than highly educated students. Second, students with greater social capital had greater engagement. Third, academic self-efficacy made the largest positive difference in student engagement. Conclusions: The study concludes with support for theories in immigration research and adult education, with the exception of the unexpected finding.
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