DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2021-7-4-0-1

Didactic potential of video resources in teaching English to law students

Teaching foreign languages in higher education with the adoption of a new Federal Standard is focused on the development of communication skills of students in professional and intercultural interaction. At the same time, the requirements to the English language competence of students are generalized. Nevertheless, it is necessary to create professionally oriented educational materials, to model the pedagogical process, search methods and techniques, technologies, activities to achieve this goal. The use of professionally oriented foreign language video resources has become in demand during the pandemic, when all higher educational institutions switched to the online form of education. The purpose of this study is to check the effectiveness of using a didactic pack of video materials and video-based activities to law students in the “English in Law” course. The hypothesis of this research is to prove the following idea: video materials and video-based activities allow students to become aware of the language of law features and law realia of the English-speaking countries. The research methods used for this study were: quantitative research (a survey, testing, experiment) and qualitative (observations literature review, content analysis). The author includes fragments of legal films and TV series, videos from video hosting sites and platforms for online learning. The researcher defines the methodological subject, language and technical parameters for the selection of professionally oriented video resources. The video resources, selected by the author, contain the targeted language material, standard professional communication tasks, and help law students to highlight the features characteristic of the English-speaking legal culture. The developed methodological support contributes to the expansion of the socio-cultural awareness of students, allows them to incorporate the learned material in communicative situations, thereby preparing law students for professional communication with foreign colleagues.

Количество просмотров: 1118 (смотреть статистику)
Количество скачиваний: 3925
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