The definition of “pedagogy” in reality today
Introduction. Among many definitions, the most recognized is the definition according to which pedagogy is the science of human upbringing. This position often conflicts with practice. If pedagogy is a science, then many aspects of pedagogical activity go beyond its scope. Hence the purpose of the article: to search for the content of the term “pedagogy”, reflecting the objective nature of this phenomenon. The methodological basis of the article is a systematic approach, and its research method is the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Results. As you know, one of the signs of science is the presence of a field of study. In pedagogical science, it is the study of processes associated with learning, education and human development. However, it is natural to assume that pedagogy is inextricably linked with teaching practice. The object of its activity is the implementation of the functions of training, education and development of pupils and students. Therefore, if we understand pedagogy not as a science, but as a way of doing things, we resolve the main contradiction: the transfer of the properties of a part of an object to the entire object, and the term “pedagogy” unites its scientific and practical sides into a single system. But to determine its essence, it is necessary to indicate one more systemic quality, designated as socialization. Therefore, pedagogy is presented as a field of educational activities aimed at the socialization of the individual. This formulation will make it possible to solve emerging educational and pedagogical problems from a systemic perspective, to involve science in solving the most pressing issues of training and education of youth, organizing the educational process, and determining socially relevant educational goals. Conclusion. But assuming that pedagogy is not a science, one cannot ignore the fact that scientific research is an integral part of it. This area of pedagogy can be called the theory of pedagogy.
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