Model of digital personality in the post-non-classical paradigm
Introduction. The impact of globalization and digitalization on personality formation in the post-non-classical paradigm is characterized by multiplicity and uncertainty. The analysis of scientific literature allows us to identify the key criteria of post-non-classical approaches to personality formation: simulation nature, information content and ability to multitask. The purpose. The aim of the work is to study the features of personality formation in the context of digital space and globalization, as well as to develop a logical model of personality based on the postulates of the post-non-classical paradigm. Methodology and methods. The study used the modeling method. Based on the postulates of the post-non-classical paradigm, the presented “Logical Model of Personality” is based on the network principle of systematicity. Results. The model includes six levels of mental organization: individual characteristics, environmental level, social situation of life, psychological model of personal construct, activity as a mechanism for realizing personal potentials and integrative level. Digital personality is considered as an extension of the real personality in the digital environment and as an independent digital model developed by artificial intelligence. Various levels of digital personality include identification data, communication skills, information content, emotional reactions and behavioral models. Digital personality is formed through the processes of selective self-presentation, interaction, adaptation to new conditions and integration of the virtual and real “I”. Conclusion. The concepts of digital personality, digital identity and virtual personality can be considered as synonymous. Digital personality is a superstructure of a real personality immersed in digital space or a self-developing product created by artificial intelligence that imitates the behavior of a real personality in digital space. It is possible to distinguish identification, information-content, emotional-evaluative, behavioral levels of digital personality. Mechanisms for the formation of digital personality can be selective presentation, interactivity, adaptation, integration.
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