DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2024-10-4-0-7

Typology of communicative behavior in a bullying situation

Introduction. Comprehensive development of personality is possible only with the creation of certain conditions: a high level of interpersonal communication and psychological safety in the educational space. Communicative behavior in a situation of bullying and the risk of its occurrence requires special attention from all participants in educational relations: students, parents (legal representatives) and the teaching staff. Scientists, along with physical aggression, also distinguish verbal bullying, which in some situations causes greater harm to the individual. The purpose of the work is to study the structure of individual-personal determinants of communicative behavior of students in situations of type I and II bullying to substantiate the author’s typology of communicative behavior. Materials and methods. The total sample included 163 people. The study was conducted in Lyceum No.21 of Kursk with in-depth study of individual subjects (n=52), in rural comprehensive school No.2 of Povorino, Voronezh region (n=39), Kursk State Medical University (n=37) and in Kursk Medical and Pharmaceutical College (n=35). Of these, 83 are female and 80 are male. The average age is 15-17 years old. Observation and conversation were used to collect data, as well as standardized psychodiagnostic techniques: the SMOB questionnaire (self-assessment) (X. Kasper, adapted by
S.V. Krivtsova), the “Classical Sociometry” scale (Sociometric test in school practice
(M. Bityanova), the psychodiagnostic test (PDT) by V. Melnikov, L. Yampolsky, the Kondash scale of socio-situational anxiety and the factor analysis procedure (Principal components method, Varimax raw), with which the types are determined communicative behavior. Results. A comparative analysis of the factor structures of individual and personal determinants of students' communicative behavior in educational organizations in a bullying situation allows us to identify patterns and empirically substantiate the author's typology of communicants: “intense communicant”, “inattentive communicant”, “dull communicant”, “unsociable communicant”, “difficult communicant”. Conclusions. The individual-personal determinants of the types of communicative behavior of an individual in a bullying situation identified during the study serve as the basis for developing an anti-bullying competence program in educational organizations. These include “anxiety”, “isolation”, “alienation”, “emotional instability”, which mean lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem, distance between participants in the communication process, unwillingness to build interpersonal relationships, and the perception of bullying actions as isolated, rare and unfair episodes.

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