DOI: 10.18413/2313-8971-2024-10-4-0-8

Psychodiagnostic methods and a typology of representative perception systems in students

Introduction. The problem of increasing the effectiveness of learning in universities remains relevant. The quality of learning can be directly related to the ability to perceive information in the educational environment. The inconsistency between learning styles and the leading channel of perception for generation Z students can decrease the effectiveness of material assimilation. In this regard, the role of teachers of higher education and their ability to take into account the variety of styles of perception of information by students is becoming an increasingly significant role. This knowledge will more actively and productively integrate students in the educational process. The purpose of the study is to choose psychodiagnostic tools to investigate the representative systems of perception among modern students and determine the types of modalities of perception that are most preferred by them. Materials and methods. The sample comprised 189 students of the psychological profile of South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). The following methods were used: The Leading Representative System (Stolyarenko L.D.); The Leading Perception Modality Test (Navalikhina A.I.); The Representational System Bias Test (Lewis V., Pucelik F.); The VARK Questionnaire (Fleming N.); a package of mathematical and statistical programs Microsoft Excel. Results. A complex of psychodiagnostic techniques was proposed for researching the type of representative system of perception of students, which can be recommended as the basic for solving similar goals and objectives to a wide range of psychologists-researchers. The leading representative systems of the perception of the information of modern students were identified: kinesthetic (in the range from 37% to 52%), visual (14-29%), digital (12-34%), audio (10-28%) system. It was revealed that students of the psychological profile use both unimodal and multimodal strategies. Conclusion. Diagnosis of the leading modality of students is a significant tool in the hands of a university teacher to achieve higher learning outcomes. The alignment of the pedagogical approach with the student's perceptual mode will facilitate more efficacious training and the deployment of optimal strategies.

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