
Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Volume 6, Issue №1, 2020 PDF

Development of the research potential of a student’s personality: domestic and foreign experience

The paper considers the need to develop the research and creative potential of students in the conditions of a dynamically developing modern society and the job market, which necessarily ...

Department of pedagogy and school: results and prospects for cooperation

The Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Psychology of the Pedagogical Institute of Belgorod State National Research University are celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2020. Throughout the time, ...

Education technology as a way to form an individual creative style of activity for students of architecture and urban planning at university

The demand for updating the content of higher architectural and urban planning education is explained by the change of the educational paradigm to a personality-developing paradigm. Based on the ...

Organization of a foreign language lesson in the context of inclusive education

Significant changes have occurred in education recently resulting in new teacher requirements and drafting documents regulating implementation of inclusive education. Children with disabilities must have equal access to education ...

Psychological and pedagogical support of the scientific-research activity of students with disabilities at the university

The state policy of the Russian Federation in the education field of people with disabilities is aimed at providing opportunities to obtain the full-fledged higher education. Students with disabilities ...

The problem and methods of teaching psychology to students of non-core specialties in higher education

In the last decade, the issues of innovative changes in education are becoming the highest priority. It is necessary to move from the knowledge paradigm to the paradigm that ...

Features of formation thinking in the digital environment (comparative analysis of generations)

In the 21st century, it is impossible to imagine human life without the use of digital technologies. Digital technologies as the most important means of human activity directly affect ...

Structural composition of a virtual personality image in the context of the Russian Internet space

Social interaction in the modern world is gradually moving into the information space, where, on the basis of the user’s profile, a “virtual personality image” is formed. In modern ...

Features of the socio-psychological structure of civil society of the Republic of Crimea

Today, the problem of studying civil society is important, since civil structures are fragmented, there is practically no connection between them, which affects the efficiency of each structure. The ...