
Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024

Retrospective analysis of scientific views on government and public administration of education on the material of eLibrary.ru

Introduction. Since 2000 up to the present time, there has been an increase in scientific and applied public interest in the role of state and public education management ...

Interactive learning model: a polymorphic approach

Introduction. The peculiarity of building a model of interactive learning lies in the polymorphism of the term “interactive”, which has different forms of realization. Interactivity is considered from ...

Technologies of the digital economy in translation training

Introduction. Due to the active introduction of digital technologies into human activity, there is a change in the way of work organisation, changes in the content of processes, ...

Structure of achievement motive in art students

Introduction. Research into achievement motives and its structure is significant in many areas, such as: selection and development of personnel, university and school education, advisory and pedagogical work ...

Victimization in adolescence: the role of social ties and the quality of relationships in the family and school community

Introduction. Currently, there is an increase in the risks of victimization among representatives of different age and social strata, including young people. The aim of this study was ...

Qualitative analysis of textual information in the trainingof psychologists and lawyers

Introduction. The problem of training specialists in the field of psychological assistance, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants in activities is currently extremely relevant due ...

Features of the personal and semantic sphere of students with different indexes of propensity to cognitive errors

Introduction. Cognitive errors (distortions) are of a semantic nature; they are based on distortions in the semantic sphere of personality, first of all, at its deep levels related ...

Hierarchy of value orientations and locus of control for students with disabilities

Introduction. Inclusive higher education is based on the principle of humanity and addresses the personal values of students. The purpose of the research is to examine the hierarchy ...

The impact of hardiness on the psychological safety of fire fighters and rescuers

Introduction. The professional activity of a firefighter is inseparable from psychological states associated with risks and challenges. Performing the tasks of extinguishing fires, eliminating emergency situations and man-made ...

The relationship of technophobia and technophilia with intrasubjective factors in representatives of different age groups

Introduction. The implementation of “intelligent” systems capable of independently collecting, processing and analyzing information opens up wide opportunities and prospects, but also puts society in front of complex ...