Technologies of project activity development in theatre students as a valuable professional orientation
Introduction. The modern higher education system is subject to change, especially in the humanities. This requires the formation in the educational process as a whole of a number of certain competences that students should master for the development of their professional activity. In particular, the formation of the basics of project methodology is becoming increasingly important in the education of theatre students. Despite the importance of studying methodological aspects of project activity, progress in the field of theatre education is slow, often implemented intuitively, without sufficient methodological elaboration. The aim of the study is to identify the theoretical and methodological basis for the use of project methods in the education of theatre students, contributing to their creative development and professional self-realisation of personality. Methodology and methods: project methodology; methods of theoretical research, including interdisciplinary analysis, comparative research, design, observation and theoretical modelling. Results. This paper presents the algorithm of the model of theatre-creative and artistic project activity. The concept of 'project methodology' is evaluated. The general methodological principles of activity development in theatre students are considered. The interrelation of project and research activities in the educational process is specified. The components of the project methodology that allow developing communicative, educational and cultural competences of theatre students are analysed. Through observations conducted in theatre universities, it was demonstrated that the teaching of creative disciplines and the independent work of students according to the 'project model' leads to positive changes in the composition of both collective and individual cognitive experience. Conclusion. It can be argued that project technologies represent a didactic method of cultivating the general cultural and professional competencies of theatre students that are essential for their subsequent employment. These competencies include the capacity to search for practice, analyse, engage in independent creative and research activities.
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