
Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Volume 5, Issue №2, 2019 PDF

Prosocial orientation of pedagogical activity in modern science and education: from essence to content

The development of pedagogical education in the context of universality and increased social expectations for the effectiveness of pedagogical activity attests to the increasing role of a helping, prosocial ...

Junior High School EFL Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Collaborative Action Research

N.B. This study is aimed at analyzing high school EFL teachers’ attitudes towards collaborative action research (CAR). This study was of both qualitative and quantitative type. In this research, ...

The role of mathematics courses in creating and developing students’ research competencies within the social and economic field

Modern social trends are favourable for researchers who can improve social and economic reality, analyze contemporary tendencies in the mentioned areas and develop more productive theories and strategies ...

Professional and moral training of cadets: a study of the effectiveness of the process in higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

A new round of development in the professional training of cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is associated with the emergence ...

Personal image of health of today’s University students

The problem of psychological factors of health awarenessat student age is becoming increasingly important. The aim of the study is to analyze the personal image of health of today’s ...

Development of managerial competence of the head of a scientific organization

The growth of science and technology generates new challenges and new needs in management. The development of the spheres of science and technology, rapidly changing global labor market, causes ...

Рsychological features of personal self-efficacy of air traffic controllers

The predominant type of activity of a modern person is professional, which contributes not only to receiving financial reward, but also personal development, leaving an imprint on all levels ...

Social values as factors of prevention of violations of service discipline in internal affairs agencies

The paper discusses the results of a complete survey of 98 employees of the internal affairs agencies belonging to the group of increased psychological and pedagogical attention (GIPPA) ...