Diagnostics of the international students’ attitude to the Russian university environment during adaptation
Introduction. The process of international students adapting to the academic environment of a Russian university is a topic worthy of further investigation. This can be attributed to an increase in the mobility of young people and the implementation of a state strategy that prioritises the internationalisation of education. Scientists are studying the factors influencing the attraction and adaptation of international students in Russian universities. One of the factors that have a significant impact on achieving adaptability is the university environment. The aim of the work is to identify the attitudes of international students towards the university environment and its constituent elements. It may contribute to the development of a methodology that facilitates their entry into a new environment. Research methods. In order to achieve the desired outcome, a combination of theoretical and empirical methods was employed. The analysis of the literature enabled the identification of the aspects of adaptation and the current barriers to adaptation. The findings of this analysis were employed to ascertain the constituent elements of the university environment. In the subsequent experimental phase, the questionnaire method was employed to gather data pertaining to the attitudes of international students towards the university environment. The results. It is commonly accepted that the university environment comprises a number of elements that can act as barriers to students. These components can be classified into the following categories: biological, cultural, social and household, academic, organisational and managerial, financial and economic, linguistic, communicative, and socio-psychological. In order to diagnose the attitude of international students towards the university environment as a whole and its various components, it is proposed that the questionnaire entitled "Identification of Adaptation Problems" be employed. The survey was conducted in two stages: the primary diagnosis and a repeated diagnosis. The initial diagnosis indicated a general lack of acceptance of the university environment among the majority of students. However, the subsequent diagnosis, conducted following the implementation of adaptation measures, revealed a notable shift towards a more positive attitude towards the university environment among the students. In conclusion, it can be stated that… Given its pivotal role in facilitating the successful integration of international students, it is imperative that the university environment receives close scrutiny from researchers. The efficacy of adaptation measures is contingent upon a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, which identifies the attitude towards the various components of the university environment. This information serves as the foundation for the development of tailored adaptation techniques.
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