The article presents the results of a study conducted under the auspices of the League of Higher Education Teachers in March - April 2020. The study was aimed at ...
Experience shows that purposeful extracurricular and after-school activities have a significant impact on the intellectual development of pupils, contributes to the achievement of good learning outcomes in the educational ...
Every day, the Russian education system undergoes numerous changes. Teaching standards are changing, new tasks and requirements are being set for students and teachers. Such changes did not bypass ...
An undeniable feature of the modern situation of social education is the uncertainty, which is largely reflected in the risks. Risks have an impact on the performance of social ...
Nowadays, modern educational process and any educational system needs a critical, historical and pedagogical understanding and evaluation of the experience of the past years. In recent years, the ...
The pedagogical system of hand-to-hand combat training is given quite a lot of attention in educational organizations of the police of the USA, Germany, Israel, China, Japan and several ...
Modern trends in the professional labor market require graduates of non-linguistic universities not only to have professional competence, but also to master the language of professional communication, which ...
The article highlights the problem of students’ foreign language communicative competence formation in the process of reading and speaking skills development. The authors point out that through reading activities ...
Focus on the quality of education is a priority of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of education” (approved by the RF government decree of December 26, ...
The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the activities of scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education and professional qualities of teachers. The scientific literature is analyzed ...
The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of teaching a foreign language for special purposes within the framework of virtual reality technology and its advantages ...
The paper considers the need to develop the research and creative potential of students in the conditions of a dynamically developing modern society and the job market, which necessarily ...
The Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Psychology of the Pedagogical Institute of Belgorod State National Research University are celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2020. Throughout the time, ...
Significant changes have occurred in education recently resulting in new teacher requirements and drafting documents regulating implementation of inclusive education. Children with disabilities must have equal access to education ...
The demand for updating the content of higher architectural and urban planning education is explained by the change of the educational paradigm to a personality-developing paradigm. Based on the ...
The article describes present changes in the type of gender values in society from patriarchal to egalitarian. The instability of norms, values and patterns in the transition period leads ...
The article substantiates the need for a transition to knowledge-intensive and high-tech pedagogy of creation in the face of the increasing influence of the development of artificial intelligence technologies ...
The implementation of ethnocultural educational technologies in the conditions of secondary vocational education is an important aspect aimed at solving the urgent problems of training, education, development of the ...
This article reflects on social vulnerability and gender inequality in Brazil, in general and in Exact Sciences professions, based on data from the Atlas of Violence in Brazil, research ...
The article discusses the direction of cooperation between universities and core enterprises in the training of qualified specialists. The pertinence of the study stems from the fact that it ...
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