
Research result. Pedagogy and Psychology of Education

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023 PDF

The education environment internationalization and student youth socialization process

Introduction. In modern conditions, the development of international cooperation in the field of higher education is an urgent task for most countries. The socialization of student youth plays a ...

Youth and student tourism as a vector in the development of the tourism industry and education: the experience of implementing the program at the regional level

Introduction. Tourism today is not only about travel and impressions, but also the implementation of educational programs and production projects, scientific research, etc. Despite a significant amount of research, ...

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for increasing the efficiency of the implementation of subject olympiads

Introduction. In the modern educational area in Russia, the role of the Olympiad movement as a driver for the development of creative competencies of schoolchildren is increasing. However, against ...

Developing professional and communicative competence of a foreign student-non-philologist in the Master's programme

Introduction. The increase in the number of foreign students in Russian universities dictates the need to find additional opportunities for controlled mastery of the Russian language beyond the scope ...

Designing a methodology for solving business cases by students of economics in foreign language classes at a university

Introduction. Modern foreign language education of future economist students at a university is aimed not only at developing their communicative, linguistic, sociocultural competencies, but also assumes that future specialists ...

Patriotism in the structure of values of civil servants

Introduction. The prospects for the political, socio-economic and cultural development of our country are largely determined by the activities of civil servants, the leading quality factor of which is ...

Individual-psychological and educational-environmental factors of students' subjective involvement in academic activity

Introduction. The correlation of individual psychological and educational environmental factors with the involvement of students in academic activity gives unequal results. The paper verifies the general assumption that the ...

Features of marital attitudes in families with different levels of psychotherapeutic communication

Introduction. Psychotherapeutic communication is one of the most important characteristics of family relationships. Psychotherapeutic communication, as a rule, refers to loyalty to a partner, his acceptance, as well as ...

The features of the relationship between money attitudes and interpersonal interaction in young men and young women

Introduction. There is an opinion in our society that if a person attaches great importance to money, he/she experiences difficulties in building close relationships. The reason is the opposition ...

The image of the future in young people with different levels of tolerance to uncertainty

Introduction. The image of the future is a complex psychological construct that determines the peculiarities of the construction of a model of the future by a personality, and which ...