

The impact of deprivation on the psychological safety of firefighters: results of a preliminary study

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Introduction. The readiness of firefighters to perform tasks is one of the main criteria that measure the effectiveness and timeliness of actions aimed at ensuring safety. Undoubtedly, safety is ...

Specificity of studying personal role position in bullying

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Introduction. The variety of existing psychodiagnostic tools, on the one hand, and its insufficiency in terms of taking into account psychological characteristics, the specifics of the role positions of ...

Development of professional identity of high school students within the framework of the activities of a school psychologist

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Introduction. The professional identity of high school students is studied by a school psychologist as part of career guidance classes in high school. The activity of a psychologist is ...

Resources of psychological safety of the personality of a higher school teacher in modern conditions

Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Introduction. The present time is characterized by acute social events and phenomena that form new, constantly changing, and often dangerous challenges, both for each individual and for society. In ...

Criteria of psychological safety of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: subjective well-being, need for safety

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. Ensuring the safety of citizens – life, health, property – determines the relevance of studying the psychological safety of employees of responding units of the Ministry of Emergency ...

Semantic regulation of the behavior of Internet active users

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. At the present stage of development of the digital space, the features of the virtual network provide a certain level of user anonymity, which expands the opportunities for ...

Features of the interaction of young spouses with varying degrees of separation from the parent family

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. The separation of an adult child from parents implies the process of changing the relationship with parents towards greater equality, parity and equal relations between parents and children. ...

Job satisfaction and professional motivation of women in education

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. Despite the ongoing feminization of the scientific field and the increase in the number of women in science and education, there is still a low level of job ...

Pedagogical conservatism of a university teacher as a result of professional stress

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. In the context of innovative transformations aimed at the need to train competitive and high-quality personnel in the higher education system, the problem of pedagogical conservatism of teachers ...

Psychological well-being and resilience of alcohol-dependent men

Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. At the present stage of world turbulence, socio-economic and political crises, the consideration of such concepts as “psychological well-being” and “resilience of the individual”, especially among people who ...

Patriotism in the structure of values of civil servants

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Introduction. The prospects for the political, socio-economic and cultural development of our country are largely determined by the activities of civil servants, the leading quality factor of which is ...

Individual-psychological and educational-environmental factors of students' subjective involvement in academic activity

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Introduction. The correlation of individual psychological and educational environmental factors with the involvement of students in academic activity gives unequal results. The paper verifies the general assumption that the ...

Features of marital attitudes in families with different levels of psychotherapeutic communication

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Introduction. Psychotherapeutic communication is one of the most important characteristics of family relationships. Psychotherapeutic communication, as a rule, refers to loyalty to a partner, his acceptance, as well as ...

The image of the future in young people with different levels of tolerance to uncertainty

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Introduction. The image of the future is a complex psychological construct that determines the peculiarities of the construction of a model of the future by a personality, and which ...

The features of the relationship between money attitudes and interpersonal interaction in young men and young women

Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Introduction. There is an opinion in our society that if a person attaches great importance to money, he/she experiences difficulties in building close relationships. The reason is the opposition ...

Formation of professionalism of 12-14-year-old hockey players: interdependence of psychophysiological characteristics with the effectiveness of forwards in hockey

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
In modern sports there is a tendency to develop the speed of movement, the speed of decision-making. The primary signal to any external influence is the response of ...

Subjective experience of happiness in young men with different life-meaning orientations

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
Introduction. Each person needs happiness. Satisfaction with one's life activity and the opportunity to realize personal potential are necessary for this. Ideas about happiness and its ...

Coping strategies of mothers with young children: results of cohort monitoring in the Vologda region

Volume 9, Issue №3, 2023
Introduction. The study of coping behavior of a mother with a young child is conditioned by the need to study the behavior of parents in various life situations as ...

Cognitive features and predictors of procrastination

Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Introduction. One of the typical social problems of the 21st century - procrastination - is defined as the irrational postponing of desired goals indefinitely, even with the awareness of ...

Development of emotional intelligence of older preschool children through art therapy

Volume 9, Issue №2, 2023
Introduction. Emotional processes occupy one of the important places in the formation of the child's personality, and emotional development is an integral part of the emotional intelligence of the ...
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