Introduction. Communicative interaction in the educational sphere of primary school is the most important component of the personal development of each child. Active participation in communicative interaction is ...
Introduction. The modern higher education system is subject to change, especially in the humanities. This requires the formation in the educational process as a whole of a number ...
Development of pedagogical abilities of schoolchildren of psychological and pedagogical classes in the context
Volume 10, Issue №4, 2024
Introduction. The early identification of pedagogical talent and the development of pedagogical skills in specialised classes are now considered an important factor in the intensification of the Russian ...
Introduction. The process of international students adapting to the academic environment of a Russian university is a topic worthy of further investigation. This can be attributed to an ...
Introduction. Today, more people worldwide are using mobile apps for education. Modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL) are adapting to changes such as reduced ...
Technologies of the digital economy in translation training
Volume 10, Issue №3, 2024
Introduction. Due to the active introduction of digital technologies into human activity, there is a change in the way of work organisation, changes in the content of processes, including ...
Introduction. The peculiarity of building a model of interactive learning lies in the polymorphism of the term “interactive”, which has different forms of realization. Interactivity is considered from two ...
Introduction. Since 2000 up. to the present time, there has been an increase in scientific and applied public interest in the role of state and public education management (SPEM). ...
Introduction. The transformation processes that occur in modern society affect all spheres of an individual’s life, forming a person of a new generation. On the other hand, the situation ...
Педагогическое сопровождение экзистенциального самоопределения как практика развития личностного
Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
. Введение. В условиях социокультурной неопределенности и внутринаучной трансформации педагогики происходит переосмысление миссии современного педагогического образования: на первый план выступает развитие личностного потенциала в совокупности с аксиологическими ориентирами, ...
Possibilities for integrating massive open online courses for language learning in higher education
Volume 10, Issue №2, 2024
Introduction. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are currently one of the ways to organize the educational process focused on using information and communication technologies. However, the effectiveness and the ...
Introduction. Among many definitions, the most recognized is the definition according to which pedagogy is the science of human upbringing. This position often conflicts with practice. If pedagogy is ...
Введение. Приписывание признаков и свойств живых существ неодушевленным предметам и распространение их почти на все формы жизни (размножение, рождение, развитие и смерть) говорит о сдвиге границы в детском ...
Studentvsproject. Is an alliance possible?
Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. The pertinence of the study stems from the need for a comprehensive analysis of students’ attitudes towards design and project activities and their readiness to engage in similar ...
Introduction. One of the priority tasks of modern higher education is the development of personal qualities, the spiritual and moral development of the future teacher. Implementation of the educational ...
Status and age features of civic self-determination of future and novice teachers
Volume 10, Issue №1, 2024
Introduction. Attention to the teacher as a carrier of anthropo-images, samples, patterns of behavior, worldview attitudes, evaluative judgments, under certain conditions significant for the education and socialization of students, ...
Introduction. Over the past decades, artificial intelligence has been viewed as a powerful tool and driver of the transition to new paradigms of education. The use of educational technologies ...
Introduction. Modern foreign language education of future economist students at a university is aimed not only at developing their communicative, linguistic, sociocultural competencies, but also assumes that future specialists ...
Introduction. In modern conditions, the development of international cooperation in the field of higher education is an urgent task for most countries. The socialization of student youth plays a ...
Introduction. In the modern educational area in Russia, the role of the Olympiad movement as a driver for the development of creative competencies of schoolchildren is increasing. However, against ...
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