Introduction. In modern conditions, the development of international cooperation in the field of higher education is an urgent task for most countries. The socialization of student youth plays a ...
Youth and student tourism as a vector in the development of the tourism industry and education: the experience of implementing the program at the regional level
Volume 9, Issue №4, 2023
Introduction. Tourism today is not only about travel and impressions, but also the implementation of educational programs and production projects, scientific research, etc. Despite a significant amount of research, ...
Introduction. The formation of the communicative culture of children is one of the most important tasks at the stage of preschool education. Children's journalism has shown its effectiveness ...
Introduction. The growth of personnel vacancies in regional symphony orchestras has recently affected almost all symphony orchestras operating outside the capital cities, actualizing the search for ways to ...
Introduction. The usage of multimodal text in teaching foreign languages is a matter of debate. The research findings that study multimodal text are ambiguous. From the neurolinguistic point ...
Introduction. Starting from the subject of research focused on the quality of students' free time, the goal of the research is: To examine to what extent and in what ...
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the increased need for environmental education of students in the People's Republic of China (PRC). In this regard, visual ...
Introduction. The need for customs officers to acquire moral and legal competence is dictated by external and internal circumstances of professional activity. In the context of distance learning, ...
Introduction. Awareness of the educational potential of children's communities in the educational environment actualizes the importance of their development. In modern conditions, communities operate both in real and ...
Introduction. The formation of a new labor market in Russia requires the training of specialists who meet modern professional requirements and competencies. The training of such specialists is ...
Introduction. The influence of blended learning on the process of profiling secondary general education is an urgent pedagogical task. In modern educational conditions, new pedagogical technologies are used for ...
Introduction. As far as a deep modernization of the entire education system, caused by the need to adapt to the demands of the digital economy and digital society, is ...
Introduction. In modern conditions, the Russian state and society express the need for new educational models that provide comprehensive and favorable development of minors, including preschoolers. Modeling of the ...
Introduction. The growth of manifestations of deviant behavior, cruelty and aggression in the behavior of minors in Russian society has also affected educational organizations of the country in recent ...
Introduction. “A teacher, if they are honest, must always be an intent learner” (Maxim Gorky). Education is a process that continues throughout a teacher's professional career and is an ...
Introduction. Due to the acute shortage of IT specialists, programmers, specialists for engineering and high-tech industries, STEM education is becoming a fundamental integrative basis for training specialists in the ...
Introduction. The relevance of the tasks of physical education of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), aimed at studying, analyzing and assessing the level of motor development, is due ...
Introduction. Socio-economic and international geopolitical transformations actualize the problem of practice-oriented training of students of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who ...
Introduction. In preschool years, one of the main centers for the formation of a child's self-esteem is the family. At the same time, the socio-psychological factors of the family ...
Formation of flexible skills of cadets of educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia with the use
Volume 9, Issue №1, 2023
Introduction. In today's world, every professional environment has begun to focus on “supraprofessional skills,” which help professionals express themselves within teamwork when solving problems or completing projects. Such flexible ...
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